Whereas most of the components of our education/research system do their best to curb the creativity, there are few wonderful platforms for thinkers.....
The National Innovation Foundation http://www.nif.org.in/
Sristi http://www.sristi.org/
Grassroot Innovations Augmentation Network http://www.gian.org/
These organisations are doing a wonderful job of collecting ideas from all the segments of society. The concept does not depend only on youth to study in premier institutes and research hi-tech stuff, it takes leads from experience as well to address day to day issues.
On the other hand, ever wondered about the focus area of our education system. All marks to people with best answer (of course it is taught/or can be learnt/ or atleast you know what to look for) but none for a best question (one has to experience/observe a problem or think for that, no help on this front)
Take a look at the proposition on IIT entrance exam -- Planning 70% weightage to XII marks, 30% weightage to competition. No consideration for the amount of effort required to minimize the grading differences between various education boards and no chance for average students.
One may like to see objectives of IIT Delhi at http://www.iitd.ac.in/about/index.html